Wrinkles, Part II

I wouldn’t trade Lucy’s wrinkles for anything but it does make for a very high maintenance dog (and breed, for that matter). Every day (or when I remember…) I have to clean out Lucy’s wrinkles with baby wipes. She has a love-hate relationship with that; she loves to try to eat the baby wipe, does not like me to actually use it to clean her wrinkles.

Despite doing that, I noticed that after we’d had Lucy for a few weeks she was getting red tear stains down her wrinkles and they were starting to bother her – she itched them so much she was starting to get sores.

You can see the red stains on her right cheek and wrinkle

So the daily cleaning with baby wipes turned into a lengthy process of baby wipes, baby powder (to keep the wrinkles dry) and an antibiotic ointment. Good lord, she is a needy dog. I also switched her food in hopes that would help. Well, the combination of everything seemed to work. The stains went away and Lucy the High Maintenance Bulldog now has clean, dry, non-irritated wrinkles.

So for those interested in getting a bulldog, they are worth it 10 times over, but beware: for such a cute, ugly dog, they require lots of attention!