Costume, Take II

Lucy’s tutu costume clearly did not work out (see this post) so we had to come up with costume number two for Halloween. Marty came through and got Lucy a Susquehanna cross country uniform – singlet and bun huggers! They fit her and she was unable to take them off, unlike the tutu. Last Friday, in part to get his team excited for championship weekend, I dressed Lucy up in her SU gear and brought her to practice.

“Do these bun huggers make me look fat?”

She was the cutest thing ever! The bun huggers absolutely made the outfit and the team loved her.

Begging for attention (and rocking the off-the-shoulder look with her singlet)

She was also shockingly well-behaved despite being forced into a costume she probably didn’t want to wear.

Looking both resigned and pathetic; her go-to move to get attention.

Happy Halloween Eve!